Sunday 9 May 2010

The day has finally arrived! 25th March 2010

We took Ben for his assessment today, his cranial index is 103% and the normal range is 78-85%, which means he has severe Brachycephaly. Basically, his head is 103% wider than its is long and the width should be 78-85% of its length. His asymmetry is 3mm, which is within the normal range. I was pleased about that as its easier to treat brachy or plagio on its own compared to a combination of the two.

We decided to go ahead with the helmet treatment and had the scans done so a mould could be created and sent off so Ben's helment could be produced. Luckily, Glyn had some compensation money come through from a car accident last year so this has covered most of the bill.
The date for the fitting is 9th April. Ben will be 5 months exactly. The optimum age to start helmet treatment is 4-6 months so hopefully it will work!

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