Friday 29 October 2010

7th October 2010

Well Ben was discharged today! So happy! He's got his Brachcephaly down to 89% which is fantastic considering he started at 103%. Thanks for reading x

Saturday 11 September 2010

2nd September 2010

Only 1mm difference this time but better than nothing.

Sunday 15 August 2010

5th August 2010

Ben is now down to 92% and the width has reduced by another 2mm. Dont think he'll have the helmet for much longer now, maybe another couple of months or so. Can't wait to buy him a nice hat set for winter :)
You can see from the pic how well it has worked.

Thursday 8 July 2010

3mm change today, not really got any other info as I wasn't at the appointment :(

Monday 14 June 2010

11th June 2010

Another appointment for Ben today, the width of his head is down by 4mm and his Brachy is down to 93%. Only another 8% to go and his head will be within the normal bracket.
Even better, Sandie has said he can be discharged after another 2 appointments, which will just be after my birthday. What a great present for me, and more so, him :)

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Holiday blues :(

Had a great time on hol, weather was lush all week and the boys loved it. Gutted to be back home. Didn't get to take Ben swimming because he had a bad chest but hoping to take him next week. I want to move to the seaside!

Friday 21 May 2010

Christening Day 16th May 2010

It was the day of Liam and Ben's Christening and everything turned out great in the end. (Not without some major stress in the morning lol)The priest was lovely, really friendly.
Ben had his helmet off for the day, it was great to see my gorgeous little boy's hair for once! They both looked so cute and everyone commented on how rounded Ben's head was becoming :)
Off on our hols on 22nd, going to take Ben swimming for the first time. More helmet free time :)